We've seen an increased uptake recently for our roof reviews and #dilapidation #inspection services!
Our #services can really help roofing #businesses (#B2B) by providing a platform to aid them review what would ordinarily be guesswork on their part, unless they were to stand-up a MEWP / Cherry Picker or even scaffolding prior to pricing up a job.
This leads to a much more efficient, accurate and quick turn around of quotes to their clients and provide an audit of #condition prior to any work commencing.

We recently were engaged by a #facilities #management company to review cabling which had been installed on a roof of a 4-story block of flats ... totally impossible to see from the ground and would have been 10x the cost to and time to do via another method, such as #scaffolding.
Aside from providing the evidence of the installation of cabling, which was the primary brief, we uncovered a raft of issues that needed addressing, to which the end client did not know about, which could save £££ in the long term.
We are able to provide a number of different services in this space and images are made available within 24hrs of site visit, the majority of them being sent the same day.
We also work directly with end clients (#B2C) too, providing evidence for insurance claims and peace of mind following works to neighbouring, adjoining roofs.
Contact us on airdesk@gorilladrones.co.uk for a no-obligation scoping session, to see how we can help out; being based in Birmingham means we are perfectly placed to serve the Midlands and beyond.
Team GD